
JCalendarButton is a simple java swing component that displays a popup calendar next to a date input field.

Here is a sample of what the buttons look like (Internationalization is automatic). To try this demo for yourself, click here.

Biorhythm screen

Developers Notes

Developers: Quick start instructions.

Developers: Instruction on adding JCalendarButton to your visual screen building tool such as netbeans. Also some sample code.

Maven Integration

To include JCalendarButton in your Maven projects, just add the following dependency to your Maven project:


OSGi packaging

JCalendarButton is already configured as an OSGi bundle. To use it in your OSGi project, just include JCalendarButton in the manifest of the bundles that will be using JCalendarButton. Remember to install the JCalendarButton jar in your OSGi environment.

Import-Package: net.sourceforge.jcalendarbutton;resolution:=optional;version=1.4.3

To download this project, go to our project page at: